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How Much Does It Cost to Get Out of a Tenancy Agreement

Breaking a tenancy agreement is not something that tenants usually look forward to. However, there are times when circumstances such as job transfers, family emergencies, or financial difficulties may require a tenant to terminate their lease early. If you find yourself in such a situation, you might be wondering how much it will cost to get out of your tenancy agreement. In this article, we’ll explore some factors that could influence the cost of breaking your lease.

The cost of breaking a lease can vary depending on many factors, including the terms of your lease agreement, the state or locality you live in, and how much notice you give your landlord before moving out. Let`s take a closer look.

The Terms of Your Lease Agreement

The lease agreement you signed when you first moved into your rental property will dictate the terms of your tenancy. Some lease agreements allow tenants to terminate their lease early, but this often comes at a cost. For example, your lease may require you to give a certain amount of advance notice before terminating your lease and may also require you to pay a fee for breaking your lease. In some cases, this fee can be a significant amount.

State or Locality Laws

In addition to your lease agreement, state and local laws can also impact the cost of breaking a lease. For example, some states have laws that limit how much a landlord can charge in fees when a tenant terminates their lease early. Additionally, some states require that landlords make reasonable efforts to re-rent the unit before the tenant is responsible for paying the rent for the remainder of the lease term.

Notice Period

The amount of notice you give your landlord can also impact the cost of breaking your lease. Many lease agreements require tenants to give at least 30 days notice before they terminate their lease. The more notice you can provide your landlord, the better chance they have of re-renting the unit quickly. In some cases, this could help you avoid paying rent for the remainder of your lease term.

Other Considerations

There are other factors that you should consider when trying to estimate the cost of breaking your lease. For example, if you leave the rental property in poor condition, the landlord may charge you for repairs or cleaning services. Additionally, if you owe rent or other fees, your landlord may withhold your security deposit to cover these costs.


In summary, the cost of breaking a tenancy agreement can vary depending on many factors. It`s important to carefully review your lease agreement and state laws to determine what fees or other costs you may be responsible for if you terminate your lease early. Additionally, providing ample notice to your landlord and leaving the rental property in good condition can help minimize the cost of breaking your lease.

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