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What Is Mineral Production Sharing Agreement

Mineral Production Sharing Agreement: What You Need to Know

The mineral industry plays a significant role in the world economy, providing essential raw materials for various sectors such as construction, manufacturing, and energy production. In countries rich in minerals, the government seeks to regulate the exploration and production of these resources through a legal framework, one of which is the Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA).

What is a Mineral Production Sharing Agreement?

A Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) is a contract between the Philippine government and a mining company that allows the latter to explore, develop, and mine within a specified area for a period of 25 years, renewable for another 25 years. The agreement involves the sharing of production between the government and the mining company, with the former receiving taxes, fees, and other charges as its share.

The MPSA covers metallic and non-metallic minerals, including copper, gold, nickel, chromite, limestone, and coal. It applies to exploration permits that have been converted into a mining lease or contract, subject to the approval of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

What are the Requirements for an MPSA?

To obtain an MPSA, a mining company must go through a rigorous process that involves several requirements, including:

1. Technical and Financial Capability – The mining company must demonstrate its capability to undertake the exploration and production of minerals, including its financial resources and technical expertise.

2. Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) – The mining company must secure an ECC from the DENR, indicating that its mining operation complies with environmental standards and regulations.

3. Legal and Social Compliance – The mining company must comply with the laws and regulations of the Philippines, including labor, health, safety, and community relations.

4. Other Requirements – The mining company must submit other documents and plans, such as the exploration and development plan, the mining plan, the work program and budget, and the social development and management program.

What are the Benefits and Challenges of an MPSA?

On the one hand, an MPSA provides several benefits for both the government and the mining company. For the government, it generates revenue through taxes, fees, and other charges, which can contribute to national development and social programs. For the mining company, it provides legal security, allowing it to explore and produce minerals without fear of arbitrary cancellation or suspension.

On the other hand, an MPSA also presents several challenges, particularly in terms of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Mining operations can have adverse effects on the environment, such as soil erosion, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. Moreover, mining activities can also affect the livelihoods and rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, who rely on the land and natural resources for their subsistence and cultural identity.


The Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) is a legal tool that regulates the exploration and production of minerals in the Philippines. It provides a framework for mining companies to operate in the country, while ensuring that the government receives its fair share of the production. However, an MPSA also entails several requirements and challenges, particularly in terms of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Thus, it is essential to balance the economic benefits of mining with the protection of the environment and the rights of local communities.

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